We help children and young people in a variety of ways, to support their mental health and wellbeing, recovery from mental illness, educational journeys, and much more. Our multifaceted approach to maintain the wellbeing of our younger community members is a key component of our charitable work.
Therapy & Support Groups
We run support groups across Kent for young people struggling with their mental health and wellbeing. They are facilitated by qualified therapists and those with lived experience, but the focus and drive for the groups is entirely fuelled by the young people for which they are serving.
We also offer specialised one to one and family therapy sessions for children and young people struggling with their mental health. At school, at home, or any other location that suits them
Eating disorder specialists & Body Image
During 2016/17 we organised a pilot scheme funded by the NHS and conducted across Kent. The project focused on early intervention in Eating Disorders in Children and Young People. The outcomes evidenced that with peer support, training, school support and therapy, amazing improvements in mental health and wellbeing could be achieved. We reached over 2500 young people through School Assemblies and Presentations and provided vital eating disorder awareness to professionals.
Throughout the project it became apparent that the raising awareness and early intervention for children and young people struggling with their mental health was of paramount importance. We believe that by taking away the stigma that may surround these issues, and by offering psycho-educational support, we can normalise someone asking for help in respect of a mental health condition much in the same way that they would for a physical ailment.
Watch our powerful 10-minute video featuring some of the young women who have been able to rewrite their own stories and beat their eating disorders, along with information, training, advice, and a support system not only for those suffering but for their loved ones.
Find out more about eating disorders HERE (link to eating disorders project page)
Working with schools
We have pioneered a WHOLE SCHOOL APPROACH to mental health and wellbeing in schools across Kent, enabling us to make a difference to children and young people in schools across Kent throughout their entire educational lives, and the professionals that work so hard alongside them.
Our approach includes offering therapy, support and training tailored to the needs of the students and teachers whilst including students and teachers in projects focused on developing better understanding and treatment for mental health conditions.
In conjunction with our participating schools and partners, we have organised professional training for staff, focus days around mental health, eating disorder and body image assemblies or workshops, suicide prevention and awareness workshops, group, family and individual therapy sessions, and much more.
If you feel your school may benefit from our service, please contact us TODAY
Early intervention & Raising Awareness
Embedded into everything we do, raising awareness of mental health and helping those that need it as early as possible for the best chance of recovery, is the foundation of our work with not only children and young people, but every member of society.
‘Early intervention is of paramount importance as the chance of having a successful and positive outcome is more likely the less entrenched a client becomes within their behaviours. With this in mind we acknowledged that in fact “raising awareness” of mental health was equally important and we are now able to offer training in this area to help to increase awareness of the various struggles a young person may face, including Eating Disorders, Depression and anxiety, and the behaviours that may be adopted. This includes looking at possible triggers and thought processes that may occur in an individual. We also look at the impact that such behaviours may have on the individual themselves both physically and mentally. Included in this we also look at the potential effect that this may have on those around them, such as family members and friends.’ – Sallie Kemp, Therapist
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