Eating Disorders

Body image


‘To lose confidence in one’s body, is to lose confidence in oneself’ – Simone de Beauvoir (writer, activist) In our current society, we are bombarded with images of what we are supposed to look like and are presented with an unrealistic, warped ideal of what beautiful is. Social media, television, celebrity culture and the media reinforce the notion that we are not good enough, telling us how we need to look to achieve ‘perfection’ which in reality is often unachievable. Due to these societal expectations, our body image and the way we see ourselves can become distorted, and as our [...]

Body image2020-07-08T20:54:16+01:00

Types of eating disorders


There are different types of eating disorders that are categorized by their symptoms and health affects. Anorexia Nervosa Symptoms include: Over evaluation of shape and weight and control Judging self-worth largely and even exclusively in terms of shape and weight and the ability to control Active maintenance of low body weight – less than 85% of that expected or a body mass index of 17.5 or below Inadequate food intake Fear of weight gain Obsession over weight and food Inability to understand the severity of the situation Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms include: Over evaluation of shape and weight Recurrent binge eating [...]

Types of eating disorders2020-07-08T20:54:20+01:00

A Christmas Toolbox – Coping at Christmas with an Eating Disorder


It’s that time of year again, the shops are full of Christmas Fayre, the lights are lit, and pretty much anyone dealing with an eating disorder in their midst will be trying to quell that nervous feeling that Christmas is around the corner. So here is our Christmas Toolbox. There are lots of different ideas so pick and choose those that might work in your household. Please feel free to forward this on to anyone else who might find it useful. A little bit of pre-planning in the weeks up to Christmas can really help to keep things calmer and more [...]

A Christmas Toolbox – Coping at Christmas with an Eating Disorder2020-07-08T20:54:18+01:00
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